Every Uccello Kettle comes with a stainless-steel gauze filter that you can easily remove and refit.

Whether you need to clean your filter or replace it with a new one, below is an easy step-by-step guide.

How to remove your Uccello Kettle filter:

  1. Make sure the kettle is cool before attempting to remove yours.
  2. Press the easy-touch button to open the lid.
  3. Place 2 fingers behind it while pressing your thumb against it to pop the filter out of the 3 clips.

How to replace your Uccello Kettle filter:

    1. Make sure the kettle is cool before trying to put the filter back in place.
    2. Using your index finger and middle finger, you can guide the filter towards the 3 clips (2 at the top and 1 at the bottom of the filter).
    3. Press it back lightly in place.
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