The planning process will generally be one or more meetings that you will have with an NDIA planner or your LAC (Local Area Coordinator). You get to decide where and when these meetings happen.  

You can bring your family, Carer, therapist, or significant other to your planning meeting as they understand your needs and can support you throughout the planning process.  

Within the planning meeting you will be asked about:  

  • Your personal details.  
  • Your community and mainstream supports.  
  • How you manage everyday activities.  
  • Your safety.  
  • Setting up your goals.  
  • How you would like to manage the funding in your NDIS plan.  

Once you have completed your planning process, all of the information will be sent to the NDIA for approval. Your planner cannot approve the contents of your plan, it can only be approved by the NDIA. 

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